Thursday, June 08, 2006

Father of beheaded man blames Bush, not Zarqawi�|�

Father of beheaded man blames Bush, not Zarqawi�|� More absolute idiocy. "I don't think that Zarqawi is himself responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of people in Iraq," Berg said in a combative television interview with the U.S. Fox News network. "I think George Bush is."

Pardon my absolute outrage when his son was murdered. But, George Bush did not shanghai Nick Berg and send him to Iraq. He went willingly in search of high-dollar work. Now his father is blaming Bush for the actions of a psychopath.

Pardon my decreasing sympathy for the Berg family, they decide that politics is more important than anything.

Democrats call Zarqawi killing a stunt�-�Nation/Politics�-�The Washington Times, America's Newspaper

Democrats call Zarqawi killing a stunt�-�Nation/Politics�-�The Washington Times, America's Newspaper Zarqawi was a pschotic mass murderer and Stark and Kucinich call his death a stunt by Bush. Reid congratulates the military and CIA, nothing said about Bush. Absolute hogwash. Those guys can't give a hoot that a major player in the Iraqi mayhem has been found and dealt with. It's all about politics, to hell with the country.

PS. I don't know many people who plan to vote for G. Bush in 2008, wander why the keep running against him? Guaranteed success.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Name for that is dissertion

Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada - Home. The young man joined voluntarily, knowing that he might well be called to serve. He was not drafted. He swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States and to obey the lawful orders of those above him.

No argument over whether we should be in Iraq. However, no credible case can be made for the illegality of the war. No pity or sympathy for the 1LT. I hope the Army throws the book at him.

Note the multiple announcements in Washington and Hawaii. Planned? You betcha.