Thursday, July 28, 2005

Army Mechanic Acquitted of Desertion

Army Mechanic Acquitted of Desertion. It's a light sentence. Intentionally missing transport in time of war is a definition of desertion.

Does Cheney have a PAC? And where do I send the check?

DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2005�REPORTER VOWS TO 'KILL SELF' IF CHENEY RUNS FOR PRESIDENT. Ms. Thomas shouldn't make promises that could actually cause the veep to consider running.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Renewed Terroism in London

Surfing the web for reactions to today's terrorists attacks in London have shown that ideologues just can't face facts. Fortunately, the idiots didn't make the best bombs and the injuries were slight. The British Press begins to hammer Blair about the bombings being "our fault." If we weren't in Iraq, we wouldn't be attacked, or so it seems. John Howard (Australian PM) put it best: the attacks started before Iraq (WTC1, WTC2, Bali bombing killing 88, etc)and any country who lets terrorists dictate policy is in a sad state. Hooray for someone with brains.

Some of the left, including their running dogs in the media, just can't see past the ideology that it the evil west that causes these poor, benighted folks to react this way. The acts of terrorism are done by cowardly, middle class, idiots who have been sucked into a blaze of ideological hatred by bigger cowards. Note the glorious leaders head for the hills before the trouble starts and always get others to go into martyrdom. It is time the left faced the facts.

I doubt John Howard will get a Christmas card from the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Boxer and Reid.


Interesting conversation with a coworker on who we allow into the country and how we let them in. His son worked in Poland for about 18 months. During that time the kid married. He and his wife tried to return to the states. Our government made it difficult for him to return and, without some string-pulling would have denied an immigrant visa to the wife. Well, she is hardly qualified. Only a master's, speaks 7 languages and glowing letters or recommendation from a major US accounting firm. To get this pair of ne'er do wells into the country, dad had to get his son a job offer, lease an apartment and some other stuff. The wife didn't want to come in on a tourist visa, so they played the legal game. Seems that a US citizen has trouble getting back into the country. And his wife, a well-educated, and apparently talented Polish national finds it almost impossible.

In today's US, all they had to do was to fly to Mexico or Canada, sneak across the border and we would have showered them with free benefits and great sympathy. But let an American citizen, who tries to obey the law get in, NO WAY.

I think we have our priorities a bit screwed up.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Newspaper of Record?

When an Explanation Doesn't Explain Enough - New York Times contains an interesting piece from the Public Editor. CPT Phillip Carter wrote a postive article on recruiting. The Times editorial staff helped him out by adding a few phrases to make it seem that Carter had just been given a "surprise tour of Iraq" when he had actually volunteered for active duty. The Public Editor was apologetic, but really didn't get to the nuts and bolts of what happened. Carter reviewed the "clarified article" and objected to the the "help." It was published and then quickly removed when they were caught, by Carter, publishing the wording he objected to.

Honesty and Integrity at the NYT? Certainly not coins of high value.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Religion of Peace-Islamic Law has No Civilians

Director of London's Al-Maqreze Centre for Historical Studies Hani Sibai: There are No "Civilians" in Islamic Law;The Bombing is a Great Victory for Al-Qa'ida, Which "Rubbed the Noses of the World's 8 Most Powerful Countries in the Mud"

In otherwords, its just peachy-keen to get a group of young men to kill themselves and along with it as many others that they can take out. I also understand that brave, daring "mastermind" flew the coop the day before it happened. I gues courage isn't one of the tenets of these murder's either.

No outrage, just praise.

The Religion of Peace?

Bombing in Iraq Kills Mostly Children. How many Muslims, other than the families of those killed, are condemning this act of absolute barbarism. Gee, it is the US fault that a soldier created an opportunity for the murderer by gathering children around him. Actually, the muslim world excuses murder of innocents in these cases. If you be in jihad, then you seem to be able to murder children at will. No remorse needed.

Case in point Iraqi PM Ibrahim Al-Ja'fari: "The Iraqi People Pay the Toll in Blood On Behalf of All Nations Facing Terrorism" from MEMRI. "You are aware of what goes on in Iraq concerning the struggle of the Iraqi people…and the enemy of the Iraqi people with all his misdeeds, evils and savagery. Regrettably, many of the satellite television channels ignore and do not display the tragedies that occur in Iraq, such as the rape and murder of women and the violation of the sanctity of women, as though these things did not happen…

"There are crimes committed in Iraq that are not labeled as terrorism [such as] the murder of policemen and heroic Iraqi soldiers…The pure and honest Iraqi woman is killed and this is not called terrorism; the innocent Iraqi child is murdered and the Arabic media does not call it terrorism. The Arabic media remains hostile and not objective. I address my admonition to the satellite TV channels to rise to the level of their responsibilities by showing the facts and calling a spade a spade."

At least the Iraqi PM is outraged. How about the Muslim news media, mullahs etc? Any statements of outrage from any muslim community outside Iraq? Not much.

I am quite sure that a large number of Muslims are nice, peaceful, decent people. I am quite amazed that some slime can cry "jihad" get a couple of idiots to issue fatwa and this obscenity is done without outrage.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I wonder what the real agenda is

Take Action: Keep Big Oil Away from Our Coasts is an email wanting us to write our representatives to stop the evil Bush and BIG OIL. I wonder if LCV prefers that we save our resources and depend on the use of oil from others.

I also wonder what their real agenda is. It certainly can't be their view of a pristine environment.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Drop My IQ and make me a journalist

I really wonder if you have to take an IQ test to be a journalist. If you score above a certain level, does it disqualify you?

Cases in point. This weekend the news channels had minute-by-minute updates on Dennis on Saturday. Gee, the storm was 24 hours from landfall. The progress of the storm was news for the Gulf Coast, but not for us in Virginia and definitely not for those in Michigan, Wisconsin and California. Why the breathless updates? Then comes Sunday. We have Geraldo leaning hard to starboard to stay up in a 100 mph wind. Too bad the idiot didn't get hit by a twig, just to show us how dangerous 5 grams of wood going 100 mph could be. If he wants to be stupid, why put it on the tube?

Now we have the Carl Rove non-story. The only interesting part of this story is just how long the press will chew on it, give the Dems the platform and repeatedly ask the same stupid questions at the daily press briefing.

In Richmond, last Thursday night, we had a thunder storm moving through the area. channel 6 spent breathless hours tracking the storm through the area. Talking about trying to make something out of a non-news event. Thunderstorms have been common for eons. Other than Channel 6 pretty graphics and multi-million dollar radar, they are not news.

I'm willing to bet that there is some real news out there. The news outlets are just too dumb and lazy to find it.

Need a laugh, just tune in at 6

I watched the news tonight. The pundits were all aglow with the "news" that Rove may have "outed" Wilson's wife. Loads of things to talk about. Migosh, they even sounded serious. The clips of reporters repeatedly asking stupid questions at the daily press briefing brings to mind that one must reduce one's IQ to be a jounalist.

Wilson was a politico who supported Kerry both with money and with advice. He was among the least qualified, other than ambassadorial experience, to go sluething sales of yellow cake in Niger. How anyone in the CIA was dumb enough to send him ought to be the subject of a major investigation. Rove, it seems, made mention that Cheney didn't have anything to do with sending Wilson and he was recommended by his wife, who works at the CIA. He didn't mention her name and gave the story under double Dutch secret background. The reporter, true to his word not to use it, went public with the story. As savvy a pol as Rove, should have known that telling the reporter under agreement not to use the information was tantamount to taking out an ad.

Who among the "insiders" didn't know that Wilson's wife went to work at Langley? Those who didn't could have found out quickly.

Then comes the Dems. Lined up with great hand-wringing, righteous wrath and thundering voices calling for Rove's head. Well, this is just one more time that they wanted his head. Why, he has beaten them silly and paybacks are due.

What does this really matter to most of us? Unless we earn a living trying to make the children we elect to run this country look important, not a darn thing. All sound and fury signifying very little.

Sunday, July 03, 2005 - Views - Straight Talk - For Independence Day, Supreme Court Slams Founders - Views - Straight Talk - For Independence Day, Supreme Court Slams Founders: "For Independence Day, Supreme Court Slams Founders"

An article well-worth reading.

Science, according to the NY Times

British Scientists Say Carbon Dioxide Is Turning the Oceans Acidic - New York Times is yet another piece in the great global warming scare. No, it's the evil CO2 that (according to the article may or may not contribute to global warming) but it is turning the oceans acidic and will destroy the coral reefs.

pH is explained as "The pH scale, which measures the concentration of hydrogen, runs from 1, the most acidic and highest concentration of ions, to 14, the most alkaline, with almost no ions."

The Times, according to Mr. Keller in an address I heard today, prides itself on the amount of science reporting. Just reading this, means that they have nothing to be proud about. It is also an example of the absolute science idiocy in the press.

Leaving out the fact that the real definition of pH is -log aH (activity coeficient) and going to the simplistic (but very close) definition of pH =-log[H+], [H+] is the molar concentration of hydrogen ions, then the bottme of the scale, most acidic is 1, meaning that [H+] = 0.1 molar, or effectively 3.65 grans of hydrogen chloride per liter. A 1 molar solution of HCl would have a pH of 0. HCl, such as purchased by laboratories is ~32%, or 10.2 molar and the pH by this definition is about -1.

I also love the statement that there are "no ions" at pH 14. The solution is chock full of ions, mostly hydroxide ions at 0.1 molar. Since I can make solutions of greater hydroxide ion concentrations, 0.1 molar is not all the ions you can squeeze into a quart of water. I wonder if the Times believes that a solution of sodium chloride has "no ions."

As stated in the article, this is high school chemistry. Maybe the Times reporter should have taken the course. If all we know is what we read in the times, then we be pretty darn ignorant.