Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Republicans now want an "exit strategy"

Some Republicans are now demanding an "exit strategy" be laid out by Bush. It is exactly the last thing we should do. The term is very close to a timetable. It would be a great disservice to the soldiers, marines, sailor and airmen serving in Iraq to give the enemy a timetable. All they have to do is to hold on until that time. We have an exit strategy in Iraq: a freely elected government that can defend itself and its country. Regardless of the news reports and noise from the likes of Reid, Kennedy, (I'm a war hero) Kerry and the other fellow-travellers from the Democratic Party. we see, to be getting there. Elections have come on time, the Iraqi army and police forces are coming up to speed and there are great parts of Iraq that are peaceful.

I guess the Democrats just can't stand winning and the Republicans just can't stand not being Democrats.

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