Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All I know about gas prices

Is what I hear from the media and the pols.

I know that the way to solve a shortage and high prices is to have a federal investigation. Supply and demand doesn't work in a commodities market.

I know that the answer to the shortage is increased squawking from our dear leaders. Windpower is the way to decrease energy independence.

I know that our dependence on foriegn oil cannot be alleviated by more domestic production. If increasing domestic production would decrease our dependence on foreign oil, we wouldn't prevent drilling in Anwar and on the continental shelf. I know that if more domestic production were the answer the democrats would have voted for it, instead of against it time after time.

I know that the move to ethanol from MBTE had absolutely nothing to do with increased prices. I know that the increased use of ethanol which required shortages in supply and tank cleaning, installation of storage tanks at terminals for ethanol and a $0.54/gallon subsidy (tarriffs) has nothing to do with higher prices. At 10% ethanol, the subsidy doesn't add a nickel/gallon. If it did, we wouldn't have the tarrif. The answer to this problem is more federal subsidies (taxes).

I know that the fact that every state makes more than the oil companies per gallon in gas taxes. I know that Virginia's attempt to add $0.06/gallon in taxes at the terminal will not increase the pump price because businesses never pass increased costs to consumers, especially when the increased tax comes close to their current profits.

I know the Federal Government doesn't make 2-3x the oil company profits in taxes. I know that all gas taxes go to roads and not to the general fund. I also know that not one of our leaders, state or federal, never ever use this tax money for pork projects.

I know that we should go to alternative fuels such as hydrogen and more ethanol. That solves the supply problem. I don't know that going to fuels that require more energy to produce than they give back is a bad way to go.

I know that our cockamamie environmental rules decrease the price of gasoline, increase supply and benefit us all.

I know all the problems with supply is oil company gouging.

I know that winfall profit taxes and more federal interferences with supply will not create shortages. I know that wasn't the case in the 80's, I just imagined it.

I don't know that the democrats have stymied increase domestic supplies at every turn. I don't know that the democrats have long wanted to increase prices (taxes) on fuel to decrease demand.

I know that no politician alive is ever accountable for what he did a minute ago and we are not allowed to call him to task, unless it is Bush, then he is responsible for what the other party did.

I know that if I could fuel my car on BS, I could run it forever on a weeks worth of idiocy from the media and the politicians.

I also know the moon is made of green cheese.

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