Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sustainable Biomass?

This article   
from the NYT on sustainable electricity from burning trees points out a bunch of problems with this whole green concept and leaves a few out.  It takes 20 years of tree growth to produce pines that might be usable.  The amount of land for growing trees to sustain one 47 mW plant is huge.  Pine is not as good as the slower growing hardwoods.  Pine is more polluting.  In fact, wood is as, if not more, polluting than hard coal.  Emissions controls would need to be as, or more stringent, than coal plants.  The high moisture content makes the fuel less efficient.  Bark and chip burning plants generally die pretty quickly based strictly on economics.  The article certainly doesn't mention the cost of the electricity produced or how much of the cost in the form of price and subsidies the public gets to pay.  Not a good idea

HT Instapundit 

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