Monday, April 25, 2011

Home Repair Rules

1. Estimate the project time. To get the real number multiply by 5 and add 10. A ten-minute project will take at least 60 minutes.
2. They quit making that 20 years ago.
3. They quit making the easy adapter for fixing #2 10 years ago.
4. The last guy who remembered the easy work-around retired 5 years ago.
5. You don't have the tool, so you need to make a special trip to get one. It is a limited use or one-time tool. So, after you use it, you will put it away in a place you won't forget until after you can't find it next time and buy its replacement.
6. If you need a helping hand, no one will be in earshot, especially if you have finally wedged yourself under a sink or some uncomfortable place.
7. You have to make at least 3 trips to the hardware store/Lowe's/Home Depot to get a $1 part. You get the wrong part; Larry puts the wrong sizes in the bag; and, after you've spent $20 and two trips, someone suddenly remembers that THIS transition piece is the one that works.
8. No plan is good unless it changes 3 times during execution.
9. It takes at least an hour to pick out the perfect paint color. Once on the wall, it will be absolutely wrong.
10. Buy Ibuprofen stocks. Sales will dramatically increase.
11. The new product is 0.5" bigger or smaller than the hole it's going in and won't fit without extra effort. For example, a 60" shower, bought to go into a 60" opening, is really 60.5".
12. It's never in an easy place to get to.
13.  We had those last year, but we don't know where they are.

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