Thursday, July 21, 2005


Interesting conversation with a coworker on who we allow into the country and how we let them in. His son worked in Poland for about 18 months. During that time the kid married. He and his wife tried to return to the states. Our government made it difficult for him to return and, without some string-pulling would have denied an immigrant visa to the wife. Well, she is hardly qualified. Only a master's, speaks 7 languages and glowing letters or recommendation from a major US accounting firm. To get this pair of ne'er do wells into the country, dad had to get his son a job offer, lease an apartment and some other stuff. The wife didn't want to come in on a tourist visa, so they played the legal game. Seems that a US citizen has trouble getting back into the country. And his wife, a well-educated, and apparently talented Polish national finds it almost impossible.

In today's US, all they had to do was to fly to Mexico or Canada, sneak across the border and we would have showered them with free benefits and great sympathy. But let an American citizen, who tries to obey the law get in, NO WAY.

I think we have our priorities a bit screwed up.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I've just discovered your blog in the past few days. Living AZ we have a MAJOR illegal immigration problem. It's a sad day when an American citizen tries to come home & bring his educated, smart Polish wife & the government makes it hard for them. Meanwhile, some US citizens find it mecessary to take the illegal problem into their own hands by patrolling the US Mexico border themselves because the government seemingly refuses to address the problem. Yet a US citizen & his Polish wife cannot enter our country....his OWN country! That is insane.

As for another one of your earlier posts....I am a Democrat, but only because there is no strong THIRD party for me to belong to. I'm not happy with either of the major politcal parites.

Keep up the great blogging. I'm sure I'm not the alone in reading your posts.