Thursday, July 21, 2005

Renewed Terroism in London

Surfing the web for reactions to today's terrorists attacks in London have shown that ideologues just can't face facts. Fortunately, the idiots didn't make the best bombs and the injuries were slight. The British Press begins to hammer Blair about the bombings being "our fault." If we weren't in Iraq, we wouldn't be attacked, or so it seems. John Howard (Australian PM) put it best: the attacks started before Iraq (WTC1, WTC2, Bali bombing killing 88, etc)and any country who lets terrorists dictate policy is in a sad state. Hooray for someone with brains.

Some of the left, including their running dogs in the media, just can't see past the ideology that it the evil west that causes these poor, benighted folks to react this way. The acts of terrorism are done by cowardly, middle class, idiots who have been sucked into a blaze of ideological hatred by bigger cowards. Note the glorious leaders head for the hills before the trouble starts and always get others to go into martyrdom. It is time the left faced the facts.

I doubt John Howard will get a Christmas card from the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Boxer and Reid.

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