Friday, August 05, 2005

More should walk off the set

Print Story: Novak Apologizes for Swearing on CNN Air on Yahoo! News. It is hard to see why Novak apologized. It is easy to see why CNN suspended him. Although Novak has been on Crossfire longer than I can remember and Crossfire has been around much too long, it is time that a stop is put on the liberals' effort to start talking and nver shut up. How many "yell" shows or "fair and balanced" interviews from opposing sides have you watched and seen the lib start talking fast and then just not shutting up to allow the other side to express an opinion. Crossfire did this and Novak just got fed up.

For us in the great unwashed, we just stop watching programs like that. If the guests have really anything to contribute, then courtesy demands that they be given a chance to express that viewpoint. This is not part of the liberal agenda. It is to keep spouting the talking points and never let the opposition get a word in.

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