Wednesday, August 17, 2005

A sucker born every minute and they all are on University faculties

Interview from Town Hall

One of the most laughable cases of "a sucker born every minute" I've read about in years. Let's see, a professor at an esteemed institution wants to make a porn film. To sell the film, his schtick is Asian males are somehow being emasculated by the American porn industry which discriminates against Asian males. He packages this as something with great social significance and then takes it on a tour of our schools of higher education. He knows that with the buzz of multiculturalism and, by throwing in a little "censorship" the intellectual elite will support this to the last ounce of the taxpayer's blood. And, golly-gee, it works.

How many porn films have been works of art with great social significance? I admit to being out of the porn film viewing since "The Devil and Ms. Jones" The hype was the film's great social significance. The reality was a poorly made, poorly acted, film with terrible sound, picture quality and editing. It didn't have much of a story line. No great moralism, here. I just decided that I can find more enjoyable ways to waste my time.

Porn films have a market. They are made to the reflect the desires of the market, not as some instrument of social justice. I'm willing to bet that if an Asian male was in a porn film that was popular and made money, then the producers would have them lined up four abreast to make the films.

It is, I think, very telling that the intellectual elite seem to miss the fact that they have been taken in by quite a huckster. I also loved the comment bragging about a liberal arts education allowing exposure to richness of culture unmitigated by moralists. Gosh, that sounds good. Since when is the Porn industry the "richness of culture?" My daughter wants a liberal arts education. Currently she thinks that art, good music and good literature have something to do with the "richness of culture." I live in dread the day when our institutions of higher education beat that (and the last milligram of intelligence) out of her.

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