Friday, September 02, 2005

Heroes and goats

I've been watching the Katrina tragedy has had more than its share of absolute heroes. I hope someone will get around to telling their stories. The news pool footage this afternoon had a helicopter rescue with the guy on the cable going down between two houses to effect a rescue from a window. The Coast Guard pilot held the helicopter like a rock. I was more than amazed at the skill and courage of these people. I'm willing to bet that, unphotographed, they have done dozens of these. Made it seem routine. Kudo's and big medals for these folks.

I hope someone finds the time to collect the stories of individual and group heroism in this mess. For all my carping, there and hundreds of people risking their lives to save others.

Goats: Secretary of Homeland Security: Congratulating his folks (at a press conference) on the wonderful work they do. Well, folks, people are dying because they haven't quite figured out how to get the stuff to the victims. HMS may be doing wonderful work, but all that counts is results, and they ain't so wonderful.

Director of FEMA: Sits and Baton Rouge and reads the script on how many tons of supplies moved. See above, if they aren't getting there, you can bottle and move Lake Michigan. Results are all that counts.

Mayor of New Orleans: Hides out in the Ritz Carleton and issues radio addresses. Get out and move around. What's with private busses for tourists in the Ritz-Carleton and then putting them in the front of the line at the Superdome?

Governor of LA: Ineffective.

Lieutenant Governor: Out rescuing corpses when he should be making things happen.

Those who are playing the Race Card: From what I've seen, the guys doing the rescues ain't checking for race. Whites saving blacks, blacks saving whites. No race, just victims who needed help. Those playing the race card are doing both the victims and the heroes a disservice. I guess they really don't care about the victims, just political advantage.

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