Saturday, September 10, 2005

People haters get off Scot-free

John Berlau on Katrina on National Review Online. Found on Junkscience. Mer Berlau recounts a history of the environmentalist elite's work to keep from improving the levees and flood control in New Orleans. This work, they are so proud of, resulted in death and destruction. But, what the hey, it's only people, and the enviros gladly accept the deaths of thousands to save a swamp.

The Sierra Club sued in 1996 to stop levee work. In the suit the Sierra Club thought it more important to protect hardwoods and black bears than people.
American Rivers. has fought any increase in the levees and, according to the Belau article wants levee lowering. Their 8/31/05 statement is We pray for the waters to swiftly recede and for order to be restored, so that America can begin the task of rebuilding homes, roads, and lives. We hope that our nation's lawmakers will extend their rehabilitation efforts to the Mississippi River itself, where decades of severe environmental degradation have left the region progressively more vulnerable to the winds and floods that accompany a storm like Katrina.
The Sierra Club's response is to dismiss finger pointing and call for an independent 911-type commission to investigate. Gosh, the 911 commission did such a good job of putting the foxes in the henhouse and dismissing any information that did not go with their political agenda. We certainly need one of those.

No mention of their role in defeating levee contruction. In fact, no great statements since 8/31/05. Wonder if they have decided to lay low because of the images of death and destruction created by their idiotic passions.

Read the rest of the article. The environmental elite has opposed nearly every flood, stormcontrol and levee project by the administration under Bush. After all, they really don't care about people.

There was even successful opposition to projects that would have reduced the impact of a storm surge in Lake Ponchartrain in 1977. Guess where the water came from? I'm sure those folks are very proud of the fact that their actions resulted in deaths and billions in damage. After all, it's only people.

Enviros have the same level of accountability for their actions as the Congress: none, nada, zero.

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