Saturday, May 20, 2006


I just read a post on concerning the use of the word "social justice" at Brandeis University. Not being very bright, I decided to look up social justice. It can be defined as the philosophy of giving people what they are "due" by society. However, reading various sites on social justice I don't thing the simple definition works. Like most of the terms the left is so agog over, social justice seems to mean whatever someone wants it to mean. If social justice meant giving terrorists what I think they are "due", then I'd be all for it. I don't think the left and I would agree with what they are due, however. So, my definitions.

"social justice" some feeling of guilt by those who think they are among the haves and privileged that results in the desire to transfer wealth and power to people who may not deserve either. Only the intellectual elite can decide who is deserving and who is not.

"environmental justice" the practice, enacted into law, of ensuring that activities that may pollute by any amount not be undertaken in blighted areas that may benefit economically from that activity.

"multiculturalism" the practice of not accepting differences in cultural backgroud, but elevating select cultures and denigrating others. Again, only the intellectual elite are capable of the very discerning task of deciding which cultures to elevate and which cultures to trash.

"diversity" preferential treatment of one group over others.

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