Tuesday, October 25, 2005

FEMA, Mules and Journalists

Tonight John Gibson carried on the media charade that FEMA is the first responder of record. He evan carried it over to asking the acting FEMA chief about FEMA's role in restoring electricity. The media has decided that (a) the locals and states have no first responder role; (b) FEMA is responsible for everything; and, now, (c) the electric utilities are no longer responsible for repairing electrical failures. Gibson did back off moaning about the fact that people were having to stand in line for ice and water less than 24 hours after the hurricane hit when the FEMA chief reminded him that it had been less than a day and expressed his dismay at the people in Florida knew about hurricanes and had been encouraged for years to have 3 days supply of food and water.

Despite the repeated corrections that Florida is not like Louisiana, the state has an excellent emergency response, the national guard does not work for federal government, the state has the first responder role and is prepared, and, now, that FEMA doesn't do electrical wires, Gibson, like all the rest, doesn't seem to get the message. Better to continue the myth that the Feds are responsible for everything.

The difference between a mule and a journalist is that when you hit the mule between the eyes with a two by four, you get her attention. When you hit a journalist between the eyes with the board, you just waste good wood.

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