Saturday, October 15, 2005

NY Times Intelligence test for reporters

The Miller Case: A Notebook, a Cause, a Jail Cell and a Deal - New York Times

From Drudge

Quite an interesting story about Ms. Miller, who spends 85 days in jail to protect a source whom she can't remember. Let's see.
Plame was not, by law a covert agent. "Outing" her was not illegal because she was not outside the US and had not been a covert agent for 5 years. Miller, had her name in a notebook, but apparently didn't write the source's name in the book. Miller was given permission to testify by Libby, who turned out not to be the source, then decided to protect him for 3 months until she was told personally and in writing a second time "GO FORTH and TESTIFY." Then she couldn't remember the source's name.

In a companion piece on Drudge, Miller is apparently not held in high regard by her co-workers.

Does the time give an intelligence test for its reporters, and if you score too high, you aren't hired?

This thing gets sillier and sillier.

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