Saturday, October 01, 2005

Judith Miller-the martyr

The only thing sillier than Judith Miller's jail term for refusing to divulge a source, who, a year ealier, had given her permission to divulge, is the media's coverage of her as a heroine. The "I didn't think he really meant it" story seems pretty weak.

Miller was simply looking to make a name for herself as a brave journalist withstanding the onslaught of an avenging government trying to destroy the constitutional right of the press to protect sources. I also believe she supports the creation of a federal shield law to protect journalists from such grievious invasions by the government.

The media touts itself as a branch of government envisioned by the framers of the constitution established to keep the other three in control by the light of disclosure. Nice line if you can get the gullible to buy it.

Journalist aren't elected.
No formal education from a certified institution is required to be a journalist.
Journalist do not have to pass certification exams by some regulating body. So there are no qualifications they have to meet.
There are not boards who monitor and enforce standards of ethics and performance by journalists.

So, we have a group who set themselves up as a priesthood whose sacred duty is to keep the government in line and the group has no standards, codes of ethics and performance or anything to enforce the standards. We require that of lawyers, doctors, priests, nurses, automechanics, sewage plant operators, pilots, truck drivers, and on and on. Yet the self-appointed fourth branch of the government doesn't?

I'm sure brighter minds than mine can explain it to me if they use small words and speak slowly.

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