Saturday, October 08, 2005

Why Mier Disappoints Conservatives

If you listen to the anti-Mier noise from conservative thinkers it is not hard to come to the conclusion that the main reason they are disappointed is that she will not give them the apocalyptic battle with liberals they are lust after. Many of the names tossed about would, almost assuredly, create a lengthy fight in the mold of Thomas and Bork. The conservatives believe that this battle is winnable and should be fough now.

Blood lust forms the basis of not likig her. It pops up in the form of a bit of snobbery about which law school she attended. It also shows in the sniffs that she hasn't spent most of her life planning to be on the court and, thus, becoming a great constitutional scholar.

The conservative yowlers seem to want someone in the mold of the sitting justices who have made some absolutely apalling rulings. Maybe it's time to get someone who will actually look at the constitution and listen to the arguments within the framework of the constitution, rather than a group of ivy-league types. Maybe then my house will be safe from theft by our city fathers. Maybe then my second amendment rights will be protected.

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