Wednesday, June 01, 2005

ENVIRONMENT-SENEGAL: Local Eggs Not All They�re Cracked Up To Be?

A tale of 6 eggs collected and analyzed by a group out to show how toxic the dump in Dakar is. And, migosh, they found dioxins. Wonder if those are the only 6 eggs analyzed or only the six with dioxins? Also, the chickens were "free range" birds and everyone "knows" that those are better for you than the chicken factory variety.

I take issue with the use of "poisionous" and "linked to" all sorts of evils with dioxins as well as the statement that dioxins "typically come from refuse incineration." True, but misleading. Dioxins are trace products of almost any combustion process. Also, one wonders about the toxicity of dioxins. They didn't work as a poison in the Ukranian election. They did produce a terrible case of chloracne.

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