Wednesday, June 08, 2005

If they aren't US Citizens, send the home NOW

WorldNetDaily: U.S. Muslims desecrate American flag. I found this on Powerline via Michelle Malking. I made the mistake of watching the video and am burning up. As the Powerline guys noted the "activists" were announcing that you could do things like this in America "we have a permit" and there would be no reprecussions as there are in other countries.

These idiots support the worldwide jihad to turn this country and other democracies into muslim theocracies where basic freedoms we take for granted do not exist.

I support the right of citizens to protest. I've even been against the folks who want to stop desecration of the flag because I believe in the right of a citizen's free speech.. The leader of this group is a "student" who continues to agitate for his belief in the muslim takeover and has been quoted as saying that he wishes to participate in the murder of Americans.

The flag is a piece of cloth. It is the symbol of the United States. The symbol represents many things, among those the honor, history and purpose of the country. Perhaps I have been brainwashed by almost three decades of association with the military, but the national colors are a very powerful symbol to me. The wanton desecration of that symbol by people who abuse the freedoms it represents to enlist others in their crusade to destroy the country is too much.

Anyone who is not a citizen and resides in this country (legal or illegal) has certain rights conferred on them by this country. Those rights include freedom from being murdered, maimed, robbed, enslaved and others like that. They do not have the right to insult the country with impunity. That right is reserved for its citizens. They do not have the right to use our institutions for such practices. I'm sure any number of lawyers would disagree. If my feelings about these non-rights are not within the law, let's be about fixing the laws.

If these folks are not citizens then pack them up and send them home where they can practice any manner of freedom of speech they wish.

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