Friday, June 10, 2005

Kerry: The New Al Gore

Kerry: The New Al Gore by Daniel McKirvergan in the Weekly Standard covers Kerry's whining about the "Downing Street" memo which as been around since 2002 and is a report of impressions of impressions of impressions of conversations by un-named people. Gee, that's even below the Newsweek standard of proof.

The gist is that Kerry is playing the Al Gore "I was robbed and should be president" card. Only Kerry has less to complain about than Gore, since the 2004 election was not all that close. We can't even hear "Bush didn't win the popular vote."

It is pure speculation but I think the 2004 election would not have been as close as it was if it were not for the rabid Bush haters. I think most people saw Kerry as an absolute phony. Kerry has spent his life running for President. He tried to become a small-boat war hero like Kennedy. He then plays his whole electrion based on a 3-month combat tour trying to rackup as many medals as possible and then vamoosing. Kerry picks up the VVAW and tries to drive that tired horse to political advancement then drops it in favor of the "war hero" stand. His whole campaign for president was an attempt to contrast himself as the war hero while Bush was a draft dodger. In doing so, he tried to return to the golden days of yesteryear, the '70's, and refight the anti-Viet Nam war. Absolutley the wrong tactic. His display of phoniness was the infamous goosehunt, in which he claimed to have shot a goose but somehow didn't bring one back. A staged media event that he couldn't pull off for fear of offending his anti-hunting base. Kerry lost because he came through as a phony. Most people saw through that.

I really wonder if he believes that if he can impeach Bush somehow we will return to Nov. 2004 and he will be elected President. Seems to me that Dick Chaney would become president or Tom DeLay. I don't see Kerry in the line of succession.

And there are some people out there who really believed he should have been elected. Absolutely amazing.

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