Friday, June 17, 2005

It wouldn't make a bad B movie

Public Health Advocates Cite Lack of Risk Notice on Potato Chip Bags because the chips may contain trace quantities of AMD. Let's see, we've been eating cooked starches for thousands of years and no traceable link to cancer. Acrylamide is a neurotoxin when exposed to extremely large doses. For example, workers in acrylamide production and product manufacturing need to take special precautions, especially when used in the dry form. However, studies have shown that these workers do not have any increased risk of cancer. I'd like the prop 65 advocates to show me any evidence that eating fried potatos, baked bread, french fries, etc gives one an increased risk of stomach cancer.

A check of the National Cancer institute does not support this claim. In fact, Japanese have the highest rates of stomach cancer, but it drops when they immigrate to the land of fried foods (the US). It is thought that the advent of refrigeration reduces the incidents of this cancer. One of the causes is a bacterial infection.

Junk Science in Action in the land of fruits and nuts.

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