Friday, June 03, 2005

FIRE - Thought Reform in Disguise

FIRE - Thought Reform in Disguise links to a piece on the by Harry Silvergate of the Boston Globe on the fall-out at Harvard from Summers' comments on women in science. It seems that part of the reaction is to institute training in gender bias as, eventually, part of all graduate training. This is a requiste for getting an advanced degree.

In my previous post, I was attempting to look at the teaching priorities of Schools of Education. A good number seem to believe that teaching the "right" set of political beliefs is more important than teaching teachers to teach. Harvard now puts the "correct political thought" as a prerequisite for a Doctorate. Excuse me but, what the bleeding hell does gender bias have to do with research of the required quality to obtain a doctorate in physical organic chemistry?

Apparently, political correctness is paramount. So, when I see someone with a Harvard Ph. D., I shouldn't be too impressed with his/her academic credentials, but I will know that he/she has been suitably indoctrinated in political correctness.

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