Monday, May 02, 2005

Another Day on the Chick

A day that started out with early morning rain, turned into another absolutely glorious day to be at my favorite fishing hole. I don't know how the Chickahominy Anglers tournament turned out, but I didn't meet many on the Chick who claimed to have caught much. I had a ball.

Made the typical few thousand casts with different flavors of plastic worms and spinner baits with no luck. Even the tried and true little Cleo didn't attract chain pickeral as it did last year at this time. However, I decided to plink in a few areas with beatle spins and an ultra-light and caught a few (18) bream, perch, chain pickeral. Loads of fun, even though the chain pickeral were mostly "hammer handles" and "tack hammer handles." Did manage one bass on a spinner and a couple of hammer handles on the Little Cleo.

Quite possibly what I do could only be considered fishing by stretching the definition. However, on a sunny day (after 10AM), the weather was nice and the quiet time to watch a doe cross the river, drifting along and watching osprey and turtles can only be bad because I had to leave after only 6 hours. PS. The $10 ultralight (working on the second $20 reel) is an absolute ball for plinking around.

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