Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The League of Conservation Voters-Heavy on scares, light on facts

The League of Conservation Voters website has all sorts of scary things. I went to the site after receiving an email asking me to send a letter to my elected representatives about blending sewage in fresh water. Some sort of EPA rule. The email didn't refer to the proposed rule. Some of us would like to read what the EPA proposes. I went to the LCV website and found this scary thing about the "EPA quietly Delays Lead Paint Rules." Again, no facts. Just a glowing attribute to Sen's Waxman and Boxer. Scrolling down I find a blast at Delay. One of his sins is to reduce the liability of those evil polluters who contaminate the US with MBTE. Hmm, bet if I did a little research, I will find that the EPA approved and then mandated this in gasoline. No doubt that industry had a hand in this, since they had to find a safe chemical to add to gasoline (safety defined as it works, no known at the time environmental harm and wouldn't damage engines). The fact is that MBtE was, and still is a mandated additive.

Going to the EPA website, I can't find any "news" or listings to tell me what they are proposing for mixing sewage with clean water. LCV didn't even mention the proposed rule making. I didn't find anything to indicate what they are doing with lead paint. I did find all sorts of terrible stuff about lead on the EPA website.

The LCV program works like this: Put all sorts of scary stuff out. Don't put any facts with the scary stuff. Get you all excited about the terrible damage if you don't write your congressman now AND SEND THEM A DONATION. It is just a simple money grab.

They ought to be ashamed for such dishonesty. But folks who are out to save the world and need no facts to back up their faith usually have no shame.

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