Friday, May 27, 2005

Would you rather have Lyme's disease?

Environmentalists shun tick time bomb - The Boston Globe - - Local - News. The Enviro's won a battle over trapping tick carrying rodents and dousing them with an insecticide in the Newton, MA, city park as a way to control ticks that might carry Lyme's disease. The quote of the day "''All pesticides are poison," Ellie Goldberg of Green Cap. From the CDC: " infection in the untreated or inadequately treated patient may progress to late disseminated disease weeks to months after infection. The most common objective manifestation of late disseminated Lyme disease is intermittent swelling and pain of one or a few joints, usually large, weight-bearing joints such as the knee. Some patients develop chronic axonal polyneuropathy, or encephalopathy, the latter usually manifested by cognitive disorders, sleep disturbance, fatigue, and personality changes. Infrequently, Lyme disease morbidity may be severe, chronic, and disabling. An ill-defined post-Lyme disease syndrome occurs in some persons following treatment for Lyme disease. Lyme disease is rarely, if ever, fatal."

Yep, sounds like something I'd like to get when there is a way to prevent it.

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