Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Wisconsin Enviro NIMBY'ism? - Politics - Energy Battle Sets Up Duel Between Environmentalists. It seems that the clean-air greens and the ecology greens are doing battle over the construction of electrical generation windmills in Wisconsin. The only folks getting the benefit from this are the farmers who get $4,000/year per windmill. Wind-turbine electricity will generate <1% of Wisconsin electrical demand. It is usually subsidized by taxes because it is more expensive (construction costs) than standard power generation. Also, the wind turbines have a nasty habit of destroying anything that flies into the path of the blades.

The clean-air greens want to wind energy electrical generation, which really won't do much to help with the energy supply. They will ignore the ecological damage in the name of clean air. I think, in this one, I side with the eco-greens. Nasty things do have a habit of making habitat a bit dicier for the flying fauna.

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