Thursday, May 05, 2005

A View from the Left

Crisis Papers describes itself as "News, Opinion and Commentary from the Progressive Internet" and is edited by two Ph. D's. Among the "hot" topics: Bush won in 2004 by another election fraud. It's absolutely amazing that the ideologues of the left still want to believe this tired old saw. Among the reasons that we "know" that there was election fraud: the voting lines in some Ohio precints were long. And just why were they long? It is not that a lot of people wanted to vote, it is a Republican plot to deny them the vote. Silly of me to think that those who wanted to vote were willing to wait to vote. I didn't see that standing in a line to vote was denying them the right to vote.

Using that logic, when I went to the Henrico Public Library 30 minutes before the polls opened and had difficulty finding a place to park and then had a long line to stand in, I didn't realize that it was a Republican voter fraud plot. I didn't see anyone denied the right to vote, they simply had to wait a bit to vote. My only real complaint was that I didn't leave early enough.

The left's solution to voter fraud:
(1) Return to paper ballots, after all, as that maven of modern technology, Howard Dean showed on MSNBC (Dean and MSNBC) eletronic voting can be secretly tampered with without a trace. I have more faith in electronic data recording than I do with paper. Gosh, I liked the 50's and 60's, but not enough to return to them, unless the return happens to be a GTO or Rocket 88.
(2) Same day voter registration. This is a sure way to get voter fraud, but I'm willing to bet that this is what they really want. Don't tell me that there are scads of folks out there who really want to vote, but just can't find time to register, or didn't know that the elections were going to be held until the day of the election. It takes almost no effort to register to vote. And, by golly, only Rip van Winkel would not know that there was a Presidential Election going on last year. If you can't get around to registering to vote, then, this time, maybe you should lose your franchise. Don't punish us who actually made the effort to be registered by getting a last minute rush of folks who register on the day of the election and can't be checked for legitimacy.

There is more, but it defies logic.

They need to get over the election. Based on the fallacious idea that they have right on their side and everyone should know that, then the only way Bush could have won was that the election must have been stolen, or there is some vast right-wing theocratic conspiracy. How about just a real penchot for self-deception.

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