Friday, May 20, 2005


It wasn't until recently that I was hit squarely between the eyes with what constitutes a filibuster. I thought that it was some jerk up there reading recipes, phone books or his favorite novel until he dropped. Nope, it is "gee, Senator, we have a filibuster, can you stop it? If not, we got one, now let's go home and watch TV." In other words there ain't no guy up there talking until he drops.

AND THIS PARALYZES THE GOOD OLE BOYS IN THE SENATE? If they are going to filibuster, then it is up on the podium and start talking, not pretend to have one. Maybe the Dems should shut down the Senate, it doesn't seem to be doing much anyway.

The government that governs best is the government that governs least. Shutting down the senate may do us all a favor, in the name of great government.

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