Friday, April 29, 2005

Democratic Underground: A litany of Hate Speech and Mindlessness

In today's PC world, we are all against hate speech and we are all for tolerance. Believe that? If you do, follow the link to the Democratic Underground

Just for fun the discussion groups have no sympathy for conservative talk personality Laura Ingraham's problem with breast cancer. Other than a couple of posts removed, the fervent supporters of tolerance, diversity and the milk of human kindness are enjoying the fact that someone has cancer. In my book, that's Hate Speech and the purveyors of such speech ought to be sent to counselling as required by "progressives" for anyone who would dare disagree with them. Guess you have to be one of the herd to have sympathy.

The Democrates are still continuing to "out" and discuss the journalist who was conservative as a "gay hooker." Let anyone say anything about their "gay" community and these morons will be all over you for Hate Speech and being against individual freedom. Let someone have a different view point, and the "progressive" attack machine will "out" them as gay to discredit them. This particular piece of slime comes right from the top: remember the election debates?

The progressiives all all for blacks, as long as they stay on the progressive plantation. References to Dr. Rice now are "Condasleeza." In other words, don't obey "Massa Progressive" and we attack you. I'm absolutely amazed that the blacks haven't caught on to the fact that the difference between the Republicans and Democrats is that the latter want to keep them in voting bondage as long as possible.

If you don't want to legislate from the judicial bench, then you get attacked as some sort of far right evengelical, theoracracatic, religious bigot. Now, just do what the "progressives" want and you are good. to go.

One of the mantra's of the liberals (especially on that bastion of freedom, our colleges) is that anyone who is a conservative is just plain stupid. Attach your brain to your eyes and read what these folks are saying. To believe any of it, you would have to lose enough IQ points to qualify for handicapped status.

Add to that, the Air America, suggestion that Bush be assassinated and the typically bigoted "progressive" view of southerners as stupid. The voice was a terrible southern accent, and then tell me about "Hate Speech" and intelligence. I'd really like to hear why the "progessives" on AA are still walking around free when anyone else who suggested such a thing would be awaiting trial.

I know many Democrats who are great, decent people. I am amazed, however, at how they can still remain in the party when it is being taken over by the likes of those "intellectual" giants such as the Democratic Underground.

"Liberal" became a bad word, so they changed it to "progressive." From all the words spewing forth from sites like this, today's progressivism is nothing more than an attempt to set up a fasciest state that would make Hitler and Stalin envious.

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