Tuesday, April 19, 2005

If they stopped and listened to themselves

they would hear just how silly they sound. NPR's never-ending discussion of the audacity of the College of Cardinals (from Sylvia Piggoli) in electing the Prefect of (what once was) the Inquisition and not following their sage advice on how the Catholic Church should be operated, is downright silly. What's even sillier is the "progressives" don't seem to think they are being the least bit silly. The continued emphasis on the fact that he was Prefect of (the Inquisition) indicates that he must be several hundred years older than the 77 they claim.

I'm sure there are many devout Catholics who would like to see the Church adopt more liberal viewpoitns and are disappointed in the fact that the leaders of the Church didn't see it that way. However, if they don't like the way the Church is going, then nothing prevents them from moving to a denomination that better suits their beliefs.

I'm not a Catholic and have little more than historical interest in the inner workings of the Church. I do respect the right of the Church to conduct itself in the way they believe to be right.

It may well be more difficult for a devout Catholic to move on to another demonination that better suits their beliefs than a Protestant to do the same. However, those who are so aghast at this choice should consider doing so.

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