Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Ice Crusade

Ice Crusade covers two Hollywood celebs who just jumped into a private Learjet (supplied by enviro organizations) to go off for an (Earth) day event with the Intuit. Junkscience didn't cover this piece of idiocy with their usual flair. Funny thing, the Eskimos didn't really know who these people were, but were glad to get some attention. This is another case of overpaid idiots from Hollywood who want to save the planet and tell us how we should live, as long as they give nothing up. After all, the elite have different needs from the great unwashed.

I'm not sure what is more idiotic: the great, fuel-guzzling junket for another touting of the glories of the primative lifestyle by folks who wouldn't abide having to really live like that for a week, or the fact that the Washington Post covered this as serious news.

Well, I guess there is a sucker born every minute.

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