Friday, April 29, 2005

Phillip on the Global Warming Myth

A Parliament of Things . Professor Stott elegantly drives nails in the myth of global warming. "Here we encounter the first major contradistinction with the 'global warming' myth, in which, classically, the myth harks back to a lost 'Golden Age' of climate stability, or, to employ a more 'modern' sensibility, climate 'sustainability'. Sadly, the idea of a 'sustainable climate' is an oxymoron. The fact that we have re-discovered 'climate change' at the turn of the Millennium tells us more about ourselves, and about our devices and desires, than about climate. Critics of 'global warming' are often snidely referred to as 'climate change deniers'; precisely the opposite is true. Those who question the myth of 'global warming' are passionate believers in climate change. It is the 'global warmers' who deny that climate change is the norm - they are, perhaps, the true 'climate history' deniers."

Recommended reading for those believing in the myth of global climate sustainability, but they won't.

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