Sunday, April 10, 2005

I Guess I'm Not the Only One Who Feels That Way

Another link found on Power Line
Hey, Profs, Come Back to Earth (

In a previous post I mentioned that I probably made the right move when I left academia for industry. After reading the Washington Post Article, I'm apparently not the only one. The costs are extraordinary and you get a school that believes being PC is the absolutely correct way to be. The school should be open to a diversity of views and thoughts, but "multicultural" and "diversity" seem to be code words for allowing only one school of thought.

I'm not sure if those on the campuses believe the "outside" world really takes them seriously. I know the media does. However if the arguments you use to push your political viewpoint are as childish as some I've heard, then a good number of people don't take the best and brightest we have seriously. A case in point: Last fall, No. 4 had a chemistry class requirement to attend a "science" lecture. She found a flyer from Virginia Commonwealth University about their "Laureate Symposium." This talk was given by two Nobel Laureates in Chemistry on the government's role in scientific research. As I chemist, I was very excited about attending a talk by two superstars in the field. Turned out to be a Kerry rally. The bad part was that the two geniuses made political argruments that a "leaning to the left" high school junior thought were silly.

Guess it's a case of "best they stick to what they know." As a parent, one wonders what is going on in higher education.

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