Monday, April 25, 2005

A Jealous God

having no other gods before it. At least that's the way our new-found religion of secularism seems to be. Nominees for judgeships are denied hearings because of their "deep convictions" (read deep Christian faith). The Boy Scouts are villified for expressing some religious belief, although as far as I can see, BSA supports almost every recognized religion.

The attack on religion (particularly Christianity) and any religious symbols or public expression seems to be increasing. Those who make the attacks seem to be intolerant of any religion but theirs. And, yes, I believe secularism has risen to the point of being a religion. The attacks have moved from silly to disgusting.

The buzz-words in our educational system and among the liberal elite are diversity, tolerance and multiculturalism. Yet, how viciously do they attack any display of Christianity. Anyone in a leadership postion who expresses faith brings on discussions of a "theoracy."

If we are truly diverse and tolerant, then we tolerate the views of others with whom we may not agree. The religion of secularism, seems only to want to tolerate itself and attack the rest.

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