Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Now I Know Why I Tend to be Conservative

John Nichols puts up a side bar which says "Every day in every city and town across America, progressives get up in the morning and go about the work of fighting racism and homophobia, defending the environment, organizing trade unions and tackling corporate hegemony. Sometimes they win--on the picket line, at the ballot box, in the streets and outside the WTO meetings in Seattle.

The purpose of The Online Beat is to report regularly and with immediacy on the political, social, economic and cultural activism that too often goes unremarked in so much of the mainstream media. The ultimate goal? To reveal the hidden reality that there is a left in America, and that it's active, growing and winning more consistently than the pundits or the politicians want you to know."

Get the idea that this guy believes that America is really a bad place and only "progressives" of his ilk can save us. I like the part about there being a "hidden reality that there is a left in America." Frankly, the guy ought to get over it not being the late 60's and early 70's. Maybe an objective review of history and current events would show him that the socialist agenda failed in Russia and is failing in the Europe they so admire. It's folks like this who confirm my conservatism.

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