Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Nuclear Option

Except for Michael Jackson, a good deal of the news seems to be the posturing on whether or not the Senate wants to vote on Judicial Nominees.
Real Clear Politics has some interesting viewpoints on this. Thomas Sowell's piece distills it down very nicely. The noise is about whether we want judges who make up the law to suit them or "activists" judges who rule on the law. The Senate should vote on these judges. However, the Democrats, knowing they would lose the vote are doing all they can to prevent a vote. John Nichols writing in The Nation, appears to be on the Democrats' case because they "won" and are waivering. Frankly, if the Senate does not do its job, WE lose. The Dems are working hard to ensure that nothing happens during the Bush administration. Voting seems to be something that our representative democracy, at least according to the Democrats, should avoid at all costs.

I, for one, do not want judges who make law. I want judges who rule on our laws. If you don't like the law, then change it in the proper forum.

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