Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Academic Freedom Again

Don't Worry Your Pretty Little Head - The pseudo-feminist show trial of Larry Summers. By William�Saletan has resulted in a faculty vote of "no confidence." This will probably result in Summers' resignation. His sin? Speaking his mind at a conference. In the name of academic freedom, they jumped on him for daring to hypothesize (with facts, no less) on why there are fewer women in high academic science and engineering postions than men. The response from these highly educated, trained researchers was an all-out attack. Summers wasn't attacked by presentation of facts that disputed his claims, it was just personal. His discussion was also in terms of recognizing a "problem" and finding "solutions." These highly educated, trained research folks simply turned on him like a pack of dogs for saying something unpopular and contrary to their prevaling wishes.

Compare and contrast the Summers saga with that of Ward Churchill. Mr. Churchill gets emphatic defense from academe. Guess academic freedom means the freedom not to stray an inch from the left's social agenda.

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