Monday, March 14, 2005

Richmond Potholes

According to the WRVA afternoon talk show, the Richmond City Council will propose a policy of fixing potholes within 48 hours of notice that one exists. A caller said that it couldn't be done because of available manpower and other work the crews have to do. I have no real good idea of how long it takes to patch a pothole. However, it would seem that 48 hours is awfully ambitious given that you have to schedule the work, ensure that materials are available and actually fix the darned things. The illustrious host of afternoon talk went off with great sarcasm about the callers response. For a simpleton like me, it would seem that the City would be better off setting a realistic goal, ensuring that resources are committed and then trying to improve on their performance rather than setting an unrealistic goal. A bit more of the grape to the City Council for announcing an impossible goal and a charge of double cannister followed by a bit more of the grape to our talk show host who can't seem to walk through a simple process.

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