Monday, March 14, 2005

Tragedy in Atlanta

I'm beginning to hear some voices that blame gun violence, not a violent person who happened to have a gun as the problem. In this crazy PC-world we somehow don't believe it "good" for the accused to show up in court wearing restraints. So, we allow a person who, alledgedly, has demonstrated violence toward women to be guarded by a 5' , 51-year-old female. We also make it safer by ensuring that deputies' firearms are not easy for the deputies to get out of the holster. This maniac then kills four people and it's due to "gun violence" because the deputies shouldn't have firearms. This is an incredible attempt by the anti-gun forces to turn a tragedy to their political advantage.

The real problem is that we should never allow prisoners like this to be transferred without restraints; we should never allow the prisoner to be transported by one deputy (especially one half his size); and we should make sure that the armed guardians of the court can easily get to there firearms to protect folks in the court. This is not "gun violence" it is violence with a gun under a series of errors, some of those in the name of polictical correctness. The perpetrators of this fraud never seem to be held accountable.

I have several firearms. None of them are violent.

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