Friday, March 25, 2005

And I didn't Stay in this Racket

Michelle Malkin: PRESS CONFERENCE ON WARD CHURCHILL covers numbers of allegations regarding the academic and intellectual honesty of Mr. Churchill. A faculty position in chemistry at any major school requires a doctorate, several years of post-doctoral studies, publications, recommendations and luck. Apparently, it doesn't take much to get a position in one of the made-up circcula like "ethnic studies." It doesn't seem to take much to become a department chair and a major name in the field. Us chemists aren't too bright. Instead of spending all that time and effort getting the doctorate and then deciding after post-doctoral work that industry looked better, I should have tried something like "ethnic chemical studies," claimed I was of some ethnicity I was not, then plagarize other work. Sure beats working for a living.

Gonna send my kid to U of Colorado, you betcha. Of course, bet I could find similar mess here in Virginny.

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