Tuesday, March 08, 2005

They Just Don't Get It

Fox News about 12:45 had a "discussion" on the battle for supremecy in the Democratic Party. Mr. Riegle (formally representing the State of Michigan) was on the party hard line. "Bush is out to dismantle Social Security and make his buddies on Wall Street rich." Riegle's answer to any question was this line. While there can be an honest debate over what needs, if anything, be done to Social Security, only a party ideologue would make such idiotic statements and then expect anyone but a cogenital idiot to believe his idiotic statements. They seem to forget that the federal empolyees have a private savings account that costs about $0.65/$10,000 in managment fees. Hard to believe that the plan Mr. Riegle supports and is more extensive than the Bush suggestion, will wreck social security and, probably, civilization was we know it. I'm tired of listening to politicians who just don't get the fact that a large number of us, if presented with the facts, can figure out things without all the idiotic claims. However, that may be the way these yahoo's got and stayed elected.

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