Friday, March 18, 2005

Political Correctness Run Amok

Interesting to read Tongue Tied from time to time just to see how far we are moving into the tyranny of political correctness. At a time when we hear constantly about freedom of speech, some of actually seem to be going the other way in the name of diversity, multiculturalism and freedom. I'm not offended by religious holidays for religions that are not mine. I accept and respect the holidays and the rights of those who choose to believe, to celebrate them. I fail to understand the tyranny of the secular, anti-christian element. Deciding to make Easter a non-secular holiday and dropping all references to "Easter" in the name of multiculturalism is a direct assault of freedom of speech and worship (or not to worship). The very laughable accusations of racism in a community development film because it had white developers and black community leaders is a sign of low intelligence. At least the NAACP Chapter found it OK. I am absolutely amazed by the total intolerance by those who are preaching tolerance.

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