Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Semper Fi

Marines snub UAW olive branch - 03/15/05

I've nothing against the UAW and have looked hard at American cars when I was in the market. However, the UAW went overboard on this one. The leadership allowed politics (not even reflecting that of a good part of their membership) outweigh common sense in this one. According to the article, after a rash of criticism, the UAW backed down. But I really like the Marines' response "You either support us or you don't" and then find another place to park. Imagine letting your short-sighted political beliefs cause you to take it out on a group of folks who have, or probably will, spend some time in Iraq or Afghanistan. Worse yet, if a goodly number of them have done that.

Overblown as an issue of who the UAW allows to use their property. It is their right to decide who and what to allow on it. However, the blatant political stance does them no good at all.

Well done, Marines, for sticking to your guns. Instead of the Dakota I was looking at, the next one may well say "Toyota," "Nissan," or "Honda" on the back.

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