Friday, March 11, 2005


Thumbing through channels during times out in basketball games I came across a segment on O'reilly that was almost hilarious. Two people who were activists against military recruitment were on. They never said that they were against enlistment in the service but kept using words like "other consumer alternatives." Honest speech struck only once when one of them said that he wouldn't recommend that his son enlist because his son had better things to do. If you are anti-military, say you are anti-military. One of them said that they had former soldiers that had been lied to by the military. The lie: the college money wasn't as good as she thought. The college money now "given" to soldiers is plainly described and has been for a long time. If it didn't meet your expectations, tough.

Both of the anti-enlistment people were in their 50's-60's. Another group of folks who miss the Viet Nam protesting days.

All young people should consider enlisting. The military experience will make them much more mature when they begin pursuing careers and education. I've never been convinced that going straight from high school to college or a first job is the best thing to do. Give an enlistment in the military a look. If you decide it is not for you, then so be it. Talk to as many people as you can who have been in. Anyone who is an expert on the military and hasn't been in has very little of value to add to your decision.

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