Sunday, March 27, 2005

Selling something we already have

Device lets you out-Fox your TV is an add-on for the cable line. I guess you could make one for any program. Why? When there is something I object to on TV, I have a device available at no extra charge, a channel changer. I keep handy incase I can't change the channel, or the objectionable material keeps reappearing a power switch on both the channel changer and TV. I also have the option of leaving the room. I'm prepared for any contingency incase I'm forced to stay in the room and the channel won't remain changed and the power won't stay off. I can unplug the TV, disconnec the cable, cut the cable wire, cut the power wire, disconnect electricity at the main breaker, throw the TV out the door and a car to assist in my escape.

In other words, no one or no thing can force me to watch something I don't want to see.

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