Friday, March 11, 2005

This Tops It

Today the Senate voted on legistlation that tightens up the rules on declaring bankruptcy. It will be harder to run up huge credit card debt and then declare bankruptcy. Read the comments. The web site and it's commenters seem to think that this bill is another shot at the poor and middle class by the Republicans and turn-coat Democrats, all of whom are bought and paid for by big financial corporations. They seem to forget that people have an obligation to pay back money that is borrowed. I am amazed by the number of commenters who seem to believe that people have some "rights" to use credit cards and then not pay back the money they owe. They seem to believe that credit cards are some form of necessary redistribution of wealth from the rich and the poor.

Plastic certainly adds conveniences and makes things easier. We seem to be moving into a society that is doing away with checks and cash. I love my plastic because it means that I don't have to carry wads of cash, reduces trips to the bank to get cash, makes it a darned sight easier and less hassle than writing checks, makes travel a lot simpler and all those other things that add to the convenience. Ever try to rent a car without plastic? Almost impossible. Certainly would make buying stuff over the internet much tougher. In Virginia, and most other states we can log on to DMV, and perform all sorts of stuff that would otherwise require driving to an office and standing in line, if you have plastic. However, at the end of the monthly billing cycle the piper lets you know his due. If you are living within your means, you simply write them a check. That's one check, not dozens and no driving from place to place. However, each of these wonderful transactions mean that I'm borrowing money and need to pay it back, unless I'm a democrat. Then, it's simply my right to steal from some faceless business.

I think I'm converting to the progressive view of things. Up until today, I wasn't aware that my bank simply owed me this money.

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